Production Order Transactions

Standard SAP Production Order transactions. Click on the PDF symbol to download the specification sheet

PDF1  Component Scrap – [SAP Ref: MB1A]. This transaction decreases inventory and identifies it as material that has been scrapped for a production order.

PDF1  Component Withdrawal – [SAP Ref: MB1A]This transaction decreases inventory and identifies it as material that has been scrapped for a production order.

PDF1 Operation Confirmation – [SAP Ref: CO11n]. This transaction completes the operation of a production order work order by increasing inventory for the manufactured material and updating the status of the production order to identify the operation as being complete.

PDF1 Operation Confirmation with Serial Numbers –  [SAP Ref: CO11N]. This is a variation of the standard Operation Confirmation and includes a few changes. A confirmation number or Order number may be entered to load the proper data. There is a drop down box containing the ‘Auto final’, ‘Final’, or ‘Partial’ options for completing this operation. One or more serial numbers may be captured as the material is created at this operation step.

PDF1 Enquiry by Material – [SAP Ref: COOIS]. This transaction displays production orders based on a plant and material.

